What I Wish My Teacher KnewOpen up an impactful dialogue with your students Create an opportunity for your students to open up with you on difficult subjects by...
Recommended Reads on Restorative PracticesThese are books that inform my practice on a daily basis. They are key elements in the toolboxes of the educators I work with and now they..
10 Activities to do this week!Acts of Kindness activity Time allocation: Can be modified in a number of ways Ages: 3+ Number of people: This could be done as a class, as
Talking Circles - Options for Physical SpaceMany classrooms are limited in space, and it takes time to rearrange the room. To allow for frequent talking circles...
Talking Circles - A Description of ExpectationsDescription of expectations: Again, these expectations often follow the same expectations that teachers have for their classrooms, but...
Talking Circles - Types of Talking Circles. There are three main types of talking circles: Preventative, Proactive and Reactive
Talking Circles - Prompt IdeasCheck-in prompts: These can be general and informal ways to check-in with students, or they can be specifically related to...
How to run a successful talking circle Talking Circles are simple and you only need a couple things in order for them to be successful...